Spring Clean Your Mind – From Haze & Dispersion into Clarity & Wholeness

Tamarkoz Mind Relaxation techniques help you take control of the unruly ever-escaping thoughts and restore the vital existential energy of the mind. The connection made within your energy system, will enable you to function in a dynamic, positive and alert manner.

Try the following “Jugular Vein” technique

Get Comfortable
Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed or distracted.
Have loose clothes on to give your body freedom and ease.
Keep yourself nice and warm.
Straighten up
Lay on the floor
Stretch your legs: while taking a deep breath, stretch both legs and feet by pointing your toes forwards and keeping your knees flat, and then let go.
Lift up your head and look to see if your torso is straight on the floor and see that your spine, neck and head are aligned.
Gently stretch and push your shoulders against the floor, and let go.
Lift up your arms and gently put them down again.
Carefully lift up your head and slowly put it down again.

Loosen up
As you breathe slowly and smoothly,
Start loosening up your muscles and relax.
Send your attention and your breaths towards your muscles and loosen up and release any tensions and tightness felt in your muscles.
Start from your feet, sense the muscles in your feet, loosen up and relax them. Then move unto your, lower legs, thighs abdomen, chest, lower back, shoulders, upper and lower arms, hands, front of the neck, back of the neck,
And finally sense your facial muscles.
Take a deep and slow breath and scan your body all the way from feet to your head, perceiving your entire body as a whole.

Close your eyes and keep them closed for increased focus and peace.

Continue to breathe gently and smoothly for a minute or so, paying attention to the flow of your breaths. Continue this until your breaths become uniform.

Begin breathing slowly and deeply, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth.

Remember: Let your muscles relax.

Breathe slowly and deeply.

Find your jugular vain, in your neck, and feel it’s beating.
Place your middle finger on the jugular vein in a position, which lets you sense the pulsations clearly.
Make sure that your arm is in a comfortable position and relaxed. Do not hold any tensions in your arm.

Stay fully focused on the pulsation under your finger. Try to sense them more and more clearly.

Now pay attention to the rhythm of your pulses. Follow their rhythm.
How is the pace? How fast are the pulsations?
How strong do you feel them?
Stay nice and relaxed and focus entirely on the pulses under your finger.

Now start to count your pulses from 1 to 30.
If during the counting, you lose focus and start to think, then start the count all over again from 1.  (Give yourself 2 minutes for this part)

Then relax your arm on the floor, by your side.
Bring your attention onto your breathing.
Follow the current of your breaths and let go of all else. (One minute)

Now gently start to turn to your left, curl up and lay down.
Bend your knees; place your left hand under your head and your right hand on the floor in front of you. (Take few moments)

Now open your eyes and slowly start to sit up.

Take another slow deep breath.
Bring your attention to yourself and your awareness to your surroundings.