


Our Tamarkoz® Retreats allow you to relax, recharge and revitalize, giving you the opportunity to let go of everyday habits and nourish your body, mind and soul. The daily schedule includes morning practice of Movazeneh®, and in the evening, listening or partaking in the melodious chanting of the Sufi Zekr and visualization exercises. Throughout the day, you may relax, listen to Sufi poetry, practice deep breathing techniques, and enjoy artistic and self-discovery
exercises, allowing renewal, reflection, healing and reconnecting with the spiritual realm.
Meditation teachings and practices are suitable for both newcomers and more advanced students. The retreats are led by instructors who have been selected and tranined by Professor Nader Angha.



  • November 6-8, 2020 Self-Healing
  • February 13-15, 2021  Intro: The Extraordinary Human
  • May 20-23, 2021 Young Adults Leadership
  • October 29-31, 2021  Self-Healing



To learn more about upcoming retreats please visit: