Concentration-Pulse Sensing

Try this homely, comforting and peaceful Concentration which will release tension from your body, sooth your nervous system and calm your mind.

You will also experience a feeling of wholeness and well-being deep within.

First get yourself comfortable

Sit down cross legged. Place your hands comfortably on your knees.
Close your eyes and keep them closed for increased focus and peace.
Keep your head, neck and backbone in a vertical line.
Sit motionless.
Get your feet and legs totally comfortable and centre yourself.
Loosen up your abdomen and relax your lower back.
Keep your shoulders nice and relaxed.
You should look and feel serene.
Breathe calmly.
Breathe gently and smoothly and fully.
Pay attention to the flow of your breaths; follow each breath, listen to each
Continue this until your breaths become uniform.


Now hold your left wrist with your right hand. Find your pulse and put your index finger on it.
Start to sense the pulsation under your index finger.
Make sure that both hands are positioned comfortably and without any tensions in
your arms.
Stay fully focused on the pulsation under your index finger. Try to sense them more
and more clearly.
Now pay attention to the rhythm of your pulses. Follow their rhythm.
How is the pace? How fast are the pulsations?
How strong do you feel them?
Keep your breaths slow and gentle.
Keep your face nice and relaxed, do not frown.
Keep your shoulders down and relaxed.
Stay nice and relaxed and focus entirely on the pulses under your finger.
After a few minutes,
Relax both hands on your knees.
Bring your attention to your breathing.
Follow the current of your breaths and let go of all else.
After a minute, gently open your eyes.
Take a deep breath, bring your attention to yours posture and from there, gradually
start to notice your surroundings.
Take another deep breath as you take your head back..…